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(September, 2004)

George Kountouris

The Rio-Antirio cable-stayed bridge

Helmut Koelbach

Henkersteg Nuremberg

Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany

September 2004

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© 2004 Helmut Koelbach, All Rights Reserved.

The Henkersteg bridge in Nuremberg was build in 1595 after the former bridge had been damaged by a flood of the river Pegnitz. The bridge consists of wooden beams and a roof with tiles and is termed Henkersteg because of a deathsman (in German: Henker) who lived in the tower behind the trees.

The second bridge you see in the panorama is termed Maxbruecke and was first build in 1457. This bridge which was build of stones is the eldest stone bridge in the old town of Nuermberg and also termed Steinerne Bruecke (Stone Bridge).
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links to worldwide panoramas of cities: CityPanoramas

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