The original Fort Worth Texas West 7th Street Bridge structure was completed in 1913 and expanded in 1953.
"The new bridge replaces a deteriorating structure and adds a center raised median to separate traffic. Pedestrians and cyclists will have safer and improved mobility on the new bridge which includes separated 10 1/2 foot travel ways on the outside of the bridge." Partial quote from City of Fort Worth information page.
This $25.9m (33.2 €) renovated bridge was design by Texas Department of Transporation [TexDot].
Collaborated efforts by City of Fort Worth, TxDot and the construction contractor is Sundt from Tempe, Arizona USA.
Renovation started January 2012 with the fabrication of 12 precast bridge arch elements at a site near the bridge. The bridge will have 6 precast arch elements on each side of the roadway.
Scheduled completion is about November 2013. The bridge is expected to be closed for about 150 days. There is a significant monetary incentive available to the contractor for early completion.
The bridge structure scale designed changes:
Length: original 982 ft new 981 ft 299.3 /299 meters
Width : original 57 ft new 88 ft 17.0 / 27 meters
Walkways: original 4.8 ft new 10 ft 1.5 / 3 meters
On a scale of 1 to 10, this new bridge is definitely a 10.