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(June 16–21, 2005)

Andrew Reid

Drinking Water - Lots of It

Thomas Rauscher

Die Wachau

Ferdinandswarte, Wachau, Austria

June 18th, 2005 18:45 local time (16:45 GMT)

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© 2005 Thomas Rauscher, All Rights Reserved.

The Ferdinandswarte was built 1890 for Erzherzog Ferdinand to allow him this amazing view over the danube and into the Wachau. The Wachau is a section of the Danube River that is famous for it's wine and marillen (apricots).

The people in the picture are waiting for the night to watch the fireworks and the Sonnwendfeuer (solstice fires) along the river which take place on the weekend before the solstice.

Europe / Austria

Lat: 48° 22' 57.6" N
Long: 15° 32' 30" E

Elevation: 370m

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.

Fuji S7000, Raynox CF185 converter lens, self made panoramic head, PtGui, PanoTools, PanoCube

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