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Theme Essay: Crossroads
The essay conveys the team’s idea of the event. It is usually published together with the Theme announcement and offers a starting point for the contributing photographers.
From the essay on the topic:The September 2010 WWP event ...
... theme is "Crossroads". The open shooting period begins at 00:01 on Saturday September 18th and ends at 24:00 on Sunday September 26th. Those times are relative to the time zone the panorama is shot in. This gives you 9 full days to shoot your interpretation of "crossroads".
According to crossroads are:
cross·road [kraws-rohd, kros-]
- a road that crosses another road, or one that runs transversely to main roads.
- a by-road.
- Often, crossroads. ( used with a singular or plural verb )
- the place where roads intersect.
- a point at which a vital decision must be made.
- a main center of activity.
I'm sure you get the idea, it's a place where roads, well, cross. Crossroads have existed for as long as there have been creatures anywhere in the Universe. So I'm sure you'll find something that's both representative of where you are at the time and your personal experiences with roads that cross.
There are *serious* bonus points for a pano that has Robert Johnson, Eric Clapton, Tommy Johnson and a chicken all on different corners from one another at the aforementioned crossroads.
Pat Swovelin
World Wide Panorama Event Coordinator
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