
Photographer’s Profile

Patricio Armijo
Patricio Armijo
Rancagua, VI Región, Chile

Electrical Engineer (U. de Chile), the photography is my passion.

I began with VR Photography in 1999 with my first cylindrical panorama, and (2003) my first Spherical Fullscreen Panorama using SLR, Digital Camera and Superwide lenses.

Today I specialize in the Mobile Web Development and VR Photography.

Download Gallery : Chile in 360º - Google Earth


Participation in other Web sites :

Member IVRPA
Gallery - 360Cities
Gallery - AtView
5000 km
3000 mi
Leaflet | Tiles based on NASA images

Tap dots on map to highlight their panoramas on the list.
Hover over list entries to highlight their marker on map.


wwp1218 | Best Of 2018

Pileta Ornamental de Tacna

Plaza de Tacna, Tacna, Perú

February 10, 2018, 11:13 local time

wwp618 | Summer/Winter

Después de la lluvia

Plaza de Quinta de Tilcoco, Sexta Región

June 24, 2018 (17:12 local time)

wwp318 | Once Upon A Time

Antigua Casa de Máquinas de Temuco

Temuco, Región de la Araucanía - CHILE

En algún momento de Febrero del 2006.

wwp1217 | Best Of 2017

Barrio Cívico

Ciudad de Mendoza

February 16, 2017, 12:20 local time

wwp917 | Wood

Corredor Colonial

Municipalidad de Coinco - Sexta Región

September 30, 2017, 17:01 local time.

wwp617 | Glass

Desde la ventana

Región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, VI Región

June 30, 2017 (local time 16:57)

wwp317 | Concrete

Monumento en el Cerro La Gloria

Cuidad de Mendoza en Argentina

18 de Febrero de 2017, 17:52 hora local.

wwp1216 | Best Of 2016

Monumento al Huaso Chileno

Entrada a la localidad de Lo Miranda, Sexta Región de Chile

December 27, 2016, 16:23 local time

wwp316 | Travel

El Último Viaje

Cementerio de San Fernando, Sexta Región, Chile

March 27, 2016, 12:04 local time

wwp1215 | Best Of 2015

Una Postal Típica de Valparaiso

Al lado del ascensor Artillería, Cerro Playa Ancha, Valparaiso, Chile

January 24, 2015, 14:40 local time.

wwp615 | New

Bathroom of the Past - Cuarto de Baño del Pasado

Valparaíso, V Región, Chile

June 4, 14:56 local-time

wwp315 | Weather / Climate

Explosión de Gas en Reñaca

Reñaca, V Región, Chile

January 20, 2015 (12:03 local time)

wwp1214 | Best of 2014

Pequeña Gruta

Copequen, Sexta Región, Chile

wwp314 | Decade

Diez Años Después

Plaza de Los Héroes, Rancagua, Chile

March 23, 2014 (8:38 Local Time)

wwp1213 | Best of 2013

Litoral Central

Puerto de San Antonio, V Región, Chile

February 23, 2013 (15:01)

wwp613 | Machines

El Automóvil

Cercanías de Doñihue, VI Región, Chile

June 22, 2013 (15:04)

wwp313 | Scale

Algunas Miniaturas

Rancagua, VI Región, Chile

March 24, 2013, local time 20:57

wwp1212 | Best Of 2012

Agua y Arboles

Entrada Norte de Pichilemu, VI Región, Chile

December 16, 2012 (10:24)

wwp912 | Necessity

Nuestra Huella

Sexta Regiòn, Chile

September 23, 2012, 13:50 local time

wwp612 | Heritage

Liceo de San Fernando

San Fernando, Sexta Region, Chile

June 23, 2012, 16:13 Local Time.

wwp312 | Paths

Caminos de mi Ciudad

Paso sobre nivel Gultro, Sexta Región, Chile

March 24, 2012, 19:39 local time

wwp2012 | Culture

Barrio Yungay

Ciudad de Santiago, Chile

December 18, 2012 (10:36 local time)

wwp2012 | Culture

Salinas de Cahuil

Pueblo de Cahuil, Provincia de Cardenal Caro, Chile

February 5, 2012 (11:54 Local Time)

wwp1211 | Best Of 2011

Casa del Viejito Pascuero — Santa Claus

Plaza de armas de Santiago, Chile

December 18, 2011, 9:28 local time

wwp911 | History


Comuna de quinta de tilcoco, zona central, CHILE

September 25, 2011, 14:08 local time

wwp611 | Family

Memories of Duke

Un lugar cercano a Doñihue, VI Región, Chile

June 26, 2011, 16:42 local time

wwp311 | Limits

Quebrada Coya

Quebrada de Coya, Sexta Region, Chile

March 22, 2011, 18:47 local time

wwp2011 | International Year of Forests

Bosques del Secano Costero

Cordillera de la Costa, Sexta Región, Chile

December 16, 2012 (11:51 local time)

wwp2011 | International Year of Forests

Otoño en El Campo Chileno

Bosques vecinos al Rio Cachapoal, Chile

May 5, 2012, 15:49 Local Time

wwp2011 | International Year of Forests

Bosque de Pichilemu

Provincia de Cradenal Caro, Chile

February 4, 2012, 19:49 local time

wwp1210 | Best Of 2010

La Cápsula Fenix 2, de los 33 Mineros.

Rancagua, VI Región, Chile

November 6, 2010, 8:44 local time

wwp910 | Crossroads

Panamericana Sur

Provincia de Cachapoal, Chile

September 24, 2010, 18:47 local time

wwp610 | Forgotten Places

Ramal Pichilemu, Estación Colchagua

Provincia de Colchagua, Chile

June 22, 2010, 15:32 local time

wwp310 | Food

Fidae 2010

Aeropuerto Pudahuel, Santiago, Chile

March 27, 2010, 14:19 local time

wwp1209 | Best Of 2009

Atardecer de Verano

Frontis del Hotel O'Higgins, Viña del Mar, Chile

February 20, 2009, 20:54 local time

wwp909 | Performing Arts

Little Flute Player

Machalí - VI Región, Chile

September 22, 2009, 20:55 local time

wwp609 | Time

Donde el Tiempo se Acaba

Cementerio Rural, Sexta Región, Chile

June 22, 2009, 16:50 local time

wwp309 | Diversity

En la Salida del Supermercardo

Supermercado Jumbo de Rancagua, VI Region, Chile

March 22, 2009, 19:49 local time

wwp1208 | Best Of 2008

Iglesia de la Matriz

Valparaiso Casco Historico, V Region, Chile

March 2, 2008, 10:36 local time

wwp908 | Color

La Fiesta del Volantín

Carretera El Cobre, VI Región, Chile

September 21, 2008 (18:18 local time)

wwp608 | Elevation

Laguna del Inca

Centro de Ski Portillo, Cordillera de los Andes, Chile

June 21, 2008 - 08:43 local time

wwp308 | Beginnings

Una Flor Inesperada

Cerro La Virgen, VI Región, Chile

March 21, 2008, 17:50 local time

wwp108 | Wrinkle Tribute

Santiago Historic Quarter

Santiago City, Chile

December 22, 2007 - shoots exactly on the solstice (15:08 local time)

wwp1207 | Best of 2007

Christmas Panorama

Santiago's Cathedral - Chile

December 22, 2007 (10:50 local time)

wwp907 | Sustenance

Sun, Bread, and Water

Machalí, Chile

September 23, 2007, 18:10 local time (GMT 22:10)

wwp607 | Community

Cyberlibrary Municipal - Biblioredes

Provincia de Cachapoal, VI Región, Chile

June 21, 2007, 20:50 local time (GMT 24:50)

wwp307 | Atmosphere

San Cristobal Hill - Metropolitan Park

Santiago, Chile

March 25, 2007 12:07 local time (GMT 16:07)

wwp1206 | Best of 2006

Saltos del Petrohué

Parque Nacional V. P. Rosales, Chile

January 26, 2006

wwp906 | Transportation

Valparaiso's Subway

Puerto de Valparaiso, Chile

September 24, 2006 - 14:48 local time (10:48 GMT)

wwp606 | Gardens

First Lights of the Winter

Alameda de Rancagua, VI Región, Chile

June 23, 2006 - 16:26 Local Time (12:26 GMT)

wwp306 | Borders

The Border of the Road

Cementario Rural, VI Región, Chile

March 21, 2006 - 7:15 Local Time (3:15 GMT)

wwp1205 | Best of 2005

Magic Hour

Monumento al Minero del Cobre, Machalí, Chile

march 20, 2005 - 18:42 Local Time (22:42 GMT)

wwp905 | Energy

Central Hidroeléctrica Rapel

Provincia Cardenal Caro, VI Región, Chile

September 23, 2005 - 18:26 local time (22:26 GMT)

wwp605 | Water

Crystalline and Pure

Rancagua, VI Región, Chile

June 21, 2005 - 13:14 local time (GMT-4:00)

wwp305 | Marketplace

La Feria de Vegetales del Domingo

Avenida Grecia, Rancagua, Chile

March 20, 2005 14:09 local time (GMT 18:09)

wwp1204 | Sanctuary

The Church in "The City of Stairways"

Sewell, Chile

December 19, 2004 14:59 local time

wwp904 | Bridges

Coinco Bridge

VI Region, Chile

16:37 Local Time, 22 September, 2004.

wwp604 | World Heritage

Open Air Museum - Valparaiso Port City

Ferrari High Road, Valparaiso Port City, Chile

13:25 Local Time, June 19, 2004

wwp304 | The Original WWP

Plaza de los Héroes

Plaza los Héroes, Rancagua City, Chile

9:25 am

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com