Borders: Us And Them
Mount Jaizkibel on the French-Spanish Border
March 15 2005, 16:40 hs local time
© 2006 Iñaki Rezola, All Rights Reserved.
Lat: 43° 21' 12" N
Long: 2° 51' 32" W
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.
Nikon D70, Nikkor 10.5, one shot hanheld, PTGui-Panotools, Smartblend, Photoshop, Peter Nyfeler Cap Actions, Pano2qtvr Pro.
Estas manos que se disparan en sentidos opuestos o se funden una en la otra sin llegar a estrecharse nunca quieren representar lo que con frecuencia son las fronteras.
Bostekoa eman gabe nahasten diren esku hauek kontrako norabidea hartuta dutela, mugak askotan zer diren adierazi nahi dute.
This is not the pano I meant to send to this WWP.
I had planned three different locations on the French-Spanish border, where I live. When I was preparing my camera to shoot the first one, it started to react strangely. After one pic for the settings I put my hand in front of the lens and shot to see if the automatic focus was OK, and then the camera went mad. So I was left with just those two pics: one aiming at nothing in particular and my hand.
I didn't want to give in and decided to do the whole cube from the hand pic. And this is the result...