Sunset is shot on the coast of Lake Varna in Kazashko village.
With area of 17 and volume of 165 millions cub.m Varna Lake is the largest and deepest lake on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Until the start of 20th century Varna lake water flowed to the sea through the high-water but shallow Devnya river (Varna river) which passed below the southern wall of Varna citadel. After the construction of Varna Port the river was drained and in 1906-1909 a navigation canal was built through the sand strip dividing the lake and the sea. As a result the water level lowered with approximately 1.40m and sea water flowed to the lake.
Gradually, marshy grounds alongside the lake dried up and turned into agricultural lands. Later in 1976 a new 12m deep canal was constructed and the lake was dredged alongside its current. The 2 canals connecting the lake to Varna bay increased the exchange of water through slow currents between the two water basins. Those changes however have not influenced beneficially the total flow - approximately 4 times its volume per year.
On the north side of the lake is located Varna Western Industrial area, where few electric powerplants and factories are operating and on the west side is the Port Varna-West.
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