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(December 17-21, 2004)

Peter Braatz

The "Sanctuarium" - 1 Candela from the Dom

Birger Borgwardt

Hoerning Church

Hoerning, Denmark

1100 20-12-04

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© 2004 Birger Borgwardt, All Rights Reserved.

In the year 1686, the Danish Knight, Hans Friis of Clausholm Castle, build a Hospital, school and a little Church, in a town called Hoerning, in which He is buried in this crypt, together with his 3 wives, 2 sons and 2 daughters.

Today the Church is still in use, and the little Hospital is a form of sanctuary, for the old people in the village.
Nikon,Sigma 8mm, PTMac, VRHotwires, MD.

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