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(June 15-21, 2007)

Norman Shapiro


Reinhard Schmolze

Mobile Without the Car

Freiburg, Germany

June 17, 2007, 10:45 local time

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© 2007 Reinhard Schmolze, All Rights Reserved.

Several organisations had called on the community to leave cars at home and use other means of transport if they wanted to make a Sunday outing on the 17th June - under the motto: "Mobile without the car". But their call went unheard with many people and on Sunday morning so many cars poured into the city, that traffic came to a halt on the road leading into the city.

I noticed it when cycling with my son along the Dreisam river, separated from the road by a high wall. At this spot the wall is low enough to have a look on the other side and I climbed it with the help of my son and the bicycle to take the picture.

Due to the city's international reputation as an ecologically orientated city the municipality is even thinking of adding a slogan to the name, like "Freiburg - the Eco City" or "Freiburg - the Green City". This panorama shows that a community is never homogenous, while some organized all kind of events for this day, many took up the idea and left the car at home, and many ignored it.
PentaxIST Ds, Pentax 14mm, handheld, Apple QuicktimeVR Authoring Studio

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