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Wrinkle, December

(Shooting period: Dec 20, 21:21 UTC to Dec 21, 21:21 UTC.)

J Pat Marse

Winter Solstice in the Panhandle

Roberto Mancuso

Piazza Liberty

Piazza Liberty, Milan, Italy

December 21st 2024 13,19 (local time, UTC +1)

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The name of the square refers to the former Hotel Corso, built in 1905 at 15 Corso Vittorio Emanuele II by architects Angelo Cattaneo and Giacomo Santamaria, designed in the Art Nouveau style. The hotel was damaged during the bombings of World War II in 1943 and subsequently demolished. Its façade was transplanted onto the new building of Fondiaria Assicurazioni (now the Palazzo della Società Reale Mutua di Assicurazioni) constructed on the square. Additionally, the square is home to a Nespresso store (on the ground floor of the Reale Assicurazioni building) and the Torre Tirrena. At the center of the square stands Apple Piazza Liberty, built underground.

The square was constructed in the post-war period (1943) on the site of the so-called Teatro Milanese, which was decommissioned in 1902 and partially converted into a hotel before being partially destroyed during the city's bombings. Beneath the square, a movie theater called Cinema Apollo was built, opening in 1959.

From the late 1950s, the square was used as a parking area for cars until the city council decided, on March 5, 2012, to transform it into a pedestrian zone closed to traffic. The square underwent significant renovations in 2013 to fully convert it into a pedestrian island, and again in 2018 by architect Norman Foster to mark the opening of Apple Piazza Liberty.
​​​​​​​(source Wikipedia)


Kandao QoocCam3 ultra, mini tripod, QooCam Studio,Photoshop, PtGui, Pano2vr 

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