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Wrinkle, June

(shooting period June 20, 08:51 UTC to June 21, 08:51 UTC.)

Jim Watters

Memory Vessel

Andrew Varlamov

Garden for the Summer

Saint Petersburg, the Blue Bridge

June 21, 2024 - 3:56 UTC

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© 2024 Andrew Varlamov, All Rights Reserved.


Usually visitor parking of the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg occupies the Blue Bridge, the widest bridge in the city. But in summer time potted garden replaces the parking to provide area for public enjoyment and recreation. 160 trees (104 lime trees, 8 ball-shape maple trees, 48 thujas), 500 shrubs and more then 4000 flowers were bedded out into pots. The garden will exist here till mid-October, and then trees and shrubs will bed out in their permanent places.


Europe / Russia-Urals West

Lat: 59° 55' 53.991" N
Long: 30° 18' 32" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.


CameraPentax K-5 IILensessmc PENTAX-DA Fish-Eye 1:3.5-4.5 10-17mm ED (IF)Tripod: Manfrotto 190XB; Panohead: Nodal Ninja 5; PC SoftwarePTGui Pro 10.0.19 by New House Internet Services B.V. (dated by June 6, 2018), Pano2VR 6.1.8 pro 64bit by Garden Gnome Software (dated by May 25, 2020)

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