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Wrinkle, June

(shooting period June 20, 08:51 UTC to June 21, 08:51 UTC.)

Cibula Vincent

Railway Tunnels

Joby Catto

Solstice sunset at the Bridestones

Todmorden, Calderdale, West Yorkshire

June 20th 2024, 21:18

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The last rays of the solstice sunlight on the iconic outcrops of the Bridestones above Todmorden in the upper Calder valley in West Yorkshire. These windswept outcrops of millstone grit on Bridestones Moor are some of the most totemic rock formations in Calderdale.

The most visually arresting spectacle is probably that of the standalone 'bride' or bottlestone, a large stone over 4 metres tall and 3 metres wide, narrowing to less than 60 centimetres wide at its base. Long ago this was accompanied by another isolated outcrop known as the 'groom'; this toppled many years ago, whether by the elements or deliberately by man isn't recorded. The site has a spiritual importance; for druidic Brigantine culture (the name Bridestones is thought to derive from Brigit), and marriages have taken place here over the ages.

The Bridestones is beloved by outdoor enthusiasts, wildlife lovers and locals alike. Bridestones Moor is an example of upland moor habitat in the South Pennines and is a sanctuary for rare flora and fauna. It is currently the focus of a public crowdfunding campaign to create and curate a community-owned nature reserve, rewilding the area and preserving this special place for future generations to enjoy.


Shot as one half of a stereo pair, captured with dual Sony A6000, Samyang 8mm II, Nodal Ninja Mecha C1.

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