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Wrinkle, September

(Shooting period: Sept 22, 00:44 UTC to Sept 23, 00:44 UTC.)

Jim Cole

A Community Park

Cibula Vincent

Viadukt Kremnička

Banská Bystrica, Slovac republic

22.9.2024, 16:39

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Rozbitá statika. Demolácia mosta ponad rýchlostnú cestu v meste Banská Bystrica.

Broken static. Demolition of the bridge over the expressway in Banská Bystrica.


Canon 5D mark IV, objektív EF8-15 mm s rybím okom Pri 12 mm, 4 x portrétny záber. Statív Manfrotto190 PRO, PanoMax Panohead.

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