Tested but Never Breached
Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire, England, UK
December 21, 2024, 10:11 UTC (10:11 Local Time)
© 2024 Robert Bilsland, All Rights Reserved.
It's been 13 years, 9 months and 2 days since I stood on this very spot to shoot my previous panorama (Trying to Limit the Possible Damage) on the theme of "Limits". This re-visit allowed me to share the completed flood defences that have been called into use many time over the years.
When I last visited here things were still a work in progress. I stood on the top of a freshly built earthen bank surrounded by construction site fencing. It formed just part of a larger set of works giving Upton-upon-Severn much needed flood defences.
Fast forward to now and the defences have been called in to use many times. While the flood waters lap up the outside everything inside stays safe and dry. It also helps guarantee that there is an open road in and out to make sure that Upton-upon-Severn isn't turned into an island. With there also being a river crossings here it's even more important to not become an island.
Taken with a Nikon D300 and a Nikkor 10.5mm f/2.8G fisheye lens. Mounted on a Nodal Ninja 5 panorama head and R-D16 rotator atop a Manfrotto 055XPROB tripod. Shots taken at 6 positions 60° apart, tilted 15° down, and another shot taken looking straight up. Raw files then processed in darktable v4.6.1 before being stitched together using PTGui 10.0.19 Pro and converted using Pano2VR 6.1.15 pro.