Moonlight Brighter Than City Lights
The Old Robinson Farmhouse - Palmer Hill, Franklin, New York, USA
December 22, 2007; 06:00 - 06.35 UTC (01:00 - 01:35 local time)
There was no time to get to the field, so I crunched outside with a monopod. It was bright enough to read by! But the wind didn't let up...it is the top of a small mountain, after all.
That glow in the sky to the northeast is the closest small city. It's over 20 miles away. They call it "light pollution."
I don't mind the softness of the trees, they are strange, anyway---and it was windy. The color is close to what I remember. And I really like the stars and planets. The moon looked enormous that night. And the only sound was the wind.
Lat: 42° 16' 40.92" N
Long: 76° 8' 47.62" W
Elevation: 2010 ft.
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.