Saint Michaels Church
Lohr am Main, Landkreis Main-Spessart, Unterfranken, Bavaria, Germany
9:40 MET(GMT+1), Dec, 21, 2004
© 2004 Richard Woeber, All Rights Reserved.
In the 7th century a little chapel stood on this place, which was later nit by bit enlarged. The last stage of construction is dated between 1460 and 1549, so the whole church hast kept its late-gothic style. There are som remarkable works of art, as the baptismal font (1488), the crucifix (around 1550), a statue of Maria with child (around 1600), a statue of St. Michael (after 1600) and the grave monuments of the counts of Rieneck.
I took some cylindrical panos in this location some years ago with an analog camera. Then, a week before Winter WWP 2004 I got my brand new D70 and a 10.5 Fisheye. It was my very first pano with this equimpent!
I had to hurry because the sacristan waited to bring in the christmas trees right in front of the tombs. Foolishly, I forgot to put on the lights in the main nave, so whitebalance turned the scene into a awful bluw there. The pano-head did'nt really supported me in making the nadir-photos. I shot them by hand, which resulted in some time of retouching.