Gallery of Tretyakov
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
November 30, 2006 - 14:00 UTC (17:00 local time) One day before opening of Peter Reykhet paintings exhibition "North"
© 2006 Andrew Varlamov, All Rights Reserved.
Paintings exposed here were created by Petr Reykhet more than 20 years ago in artic expeditions. Yet learning in Academy of Arts Petr lived six months at Franz Josef Land in 1976. In 1980 he visited Severnaya Zemlya and took part in soviet arctic expedition "North Pole-22". Naturally, everywhere he painted - by pencils, pastels, watercolors, oils. After Severnaya Zemlya he painted 5 canvas for diploma of Academy of Arts, which were accepted by Arctic and Antarctic Museum in Leningrad rather to collect dust in collection of Academy of Arts. His last visit to Arctic was in 1987, when he explored Bennet Island.
It is second Petr Reykhet paintings exhibition at Gallery of Tretyakov. First one was organized in 2005 and demonstarted paintings of Petr Reykhet and Victor Reykhet, his father.
Lat: 59° 57' 18.12" N
Long: 30° 17' 47" E
Elevation: 0,5
Precision is: Low. Intentionally hazy, due to privacy concerns.
Software: PTGui 6.0 by New House Internet Services B.V. (dated by September 13, 2006), MinGW version of PanoTools library 2.8.0 (dated by November 24, 2005) from Jim Watters' PanoTools site, Smartblend 1.2.2 by Michael Norel, Pano2QTVR version 0.9.0 by Thomas Rausher).
Представленные здесь работы созданы Петром Рейхетом более двадцати лет назад в полярных экспедициях. Во время учебы в Академии Художеств Петр прожил полгода на Земле Франца-Иосифа в 1976 году. В 1980 году побывал на Северной Земле и дрейфовал с полярниками экспедиции "Северный Полюс-22". Естественно, везде он рисовал - карандашом, пастелью, акварелью, маслом. После Северной Земли он нарисовал 5 работ для защиты диплома в Академии Художеств, которые были приобретены Ленинградским Музеем Арктики и Антарктики, вместо того, чтобы пылиться в собрании Академии Художеств. Последние полярные работы были сделаны в 1987 году на острове Беннетта.
Это - вторая выставка работ Петра Рейхета в галерее Третьякова. Первая выставка, на которой были выставлены картины Петра Рейхета и его отца - Виктора Рейхета, прошла в 2005 году.
The gallery was founded in 2004 by Vitaly Tretyakov, famous postcard collector and expert. Gallery is specialized on contemporary Russian art. The great dream of Vitaly Tretyakov is to organize grand exhibition "Russian Artistic Dynasties" at the State Tretyakov Gallery. Every year in his gallery there were organized some exhibitions devoted to artistic dynasties of Saint-Peterburg : Reykhet, Savenko-Maslennikova, Proshkin, Levitin, Bekaryan.
It's the last day of month today, when new exhibition is mounted for next month and gallery is closed for visitors. Usually somebody came to help artist in exhibition mounting, and Petr Reykhet invited painter Nikolay Savenko, his friend and neighbour by workshop on Pesochnaya embankment. Now it is pause in mounting, Nikolay Savenko is sitting to rest, but Petr Reykhett debates details of master-class for 4th Christmas Art Fair with Vitaly Tretyakov. Behind them there is person, name of whom i don't know, but I can say that he is collector of Reykhet paintings.
Nickolay Savenko paintings will be exhibited here in February 2006. It will be his second exhibition at Gallery of Tretyakov. The first exhibition was named "Russian Field" and was collected from paintings of Nickolay Savenko and Ivan Saneko, his father.
In conclusion let me say some words about shoting conditions: 6 shot horizontally, 1 shot zenith, WB=Tungsten lamps, sensitivity = ISO 800, shutter speed=1/60 sec, apperture = f/3.5. Floor tiles permitted me to recover black hole under tripod.