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Best of 2006

(January 1st - December 31st, 2006)

Francis Fox

Mullion Harbour

Francis Fougere

Bruce Peninsula National Park and Georgian Bay

Bruce Peninsula National Park South of the Grotto, Ontario, Canada

Thursday November 23, 2006 13:51 EST

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© 2006 Francis Fougere, All Rights Reserved.

The Bruce Trail is a hiking trail that runs over 800 kilometers of main trails and an additional 200 km of side trails along the Niagara Escarpment between Niagara Falls and Tobermory. This scene is close to the top of the trail near Tobermory in the Bruce Peninsula National Park of Canada. To the north along the shore of the Georgian Bay is the grotto rock formation.

Over the past 10,000 years or so, great changes in water levels have eroded the softer portions of the dolostone cliffs of the Niagara Escarpment, while the tougher ‘caprock’ of fossilized ancient coral reefs remain. This ongoing process has formed the sculptured bluffs, cliffs and caves which stand as the backbone of the Bruce Peninsula and create the most beautiful scenery of Bruce Peninsula’s National Park.

The most scenic stretch of the Bruce Trail passes through the park on the Niagara Escarpment and hikers can experience breath-taking views from Overhanging Point, Halfway Rock Point, Cave Point and Halfway Log Dump. A sunrise on these eastern rocks is spectacular. Just one kilometre from the day-parking area, hikers will discover the infamous Grotto, a huge cave formation with a deep pool of Georgian Bay water as its floor.




USA-Canada / Canada-Ontario

Lat: 45° 14' 37.9" N
Long: 82° 32' 13.45" W

Elevation: 613 ft.

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
A Canon EOS 5D with a Canon 16-35mm L series lens set at the 16mm setting was used on a Manfrotto 303SPH head. The cubic panorama was stitched together with RealViz Stitcher V4. This panorama was shot with available light at 1/200 of a second @ f 5.6 in Raw mode with an ISO of 100 on the Canon EOS 5D. I processed all the images in the RAW conversion software Capture One Pro V3.7 from Phase. This software allows me to set the white point balance, drop the contrast, adjust the colour saturation, and fine tune the exposures before I create pixels. This process allows for a better workflow and cleaner files then correcting in PhotoShop. The images are then stitched together in RealViz Stitcher and the QuickTime panoramas are then converted from the flat tiff images

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