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Best of 2006

(January 1st - December 31st, 2006)

Yischon Liaw

Holiday Light Show at Macy's

Yuval Levy

Back to the Roots

Kiriat Bialik, Israel

2006-Jun-04 16h30 local time

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© 2006 Yuval Levy, All Rights Reserved.

This is for sure not the technically best panorama I've made this year. It is probably also not the most beautiful - at least not to the general public.

But to me it is the most meaningful.

This is where my grandparents are laid to rest. Before shooting this panorama I had not been in this place for eleven years. I do not know when I will get back there again.

One day I will come back, as symbolized by the little stones I put on the graves, a Jewish tradition.

זו בטח לא הפנורמה הכי מוצלחת מבחינה טכנית שצילמתי השנה. היא כנראה גם לא הכי יפה – לפחות לא עבור הציבור הרחב.

אבל עבורי היא הכי משמעותית.

כאן הסבים שלי קבורים. לא ביקרתי במקום הזה אחד עשרה שנים ואיני יודע מתי אגיע לשם שוב.

יום אחד אחזור, כפי שמסומל על ידי האבנים הקטנות שהנחתי על הקברים, מנהג יהודי.

Ceci n'est surement pas ma meilleure panographie de l'année d'un point de vue technique. Ce n'est probablement pas, non plus, la plus belle.

Mais c'est la panographie la plus importante de l'année pour moi.

C'est ici que mes grand parents reposent. Je ne suis pas revenu ici depuis onze ans et je ne sais pas quand je vais pouvoir revenir.

Je vais revenir un jour, comme le témoignent les petites pierres que j'ai mis sur les tombes, une tradition juive.

Aus technischer Sicht ist das gezeigte Panorama sicherlich nicht mein Bestes von diesem Jahres. Auch aus ästhetischer Sicht lässt sich das diskutieren.

Doch für mich persönlich ist dies mein wichtigstes Panorama des Jahres.

Hier ruhen meine Grosseltern. Elf Jahre lang bin ich nicht mehr hierher gekommen und ich weiss nicht, wann ich wieder dort stehen darf.

Eines Tages werde ich aber zurückkommen. Das zeigen die kleinen Steine, welche ich nach jüdischer Tradition auf der Grabstätte niedergelegt habe.

Sicuramente da un punto di vista tecnico questa non è la mia miglior panoramica dell'anno. Anche dal punto di vista estetico la scelta è discutibile.

Ma per me questa è la panoramica più significativa dell'anno.

Qui riposano i miei nonni. Sono passati undici anni dall'ultima volta che ho fatto loro visita, e non so quando potro' ritornare.

Un giorno ritorno ritornerò, come testimoniano le pietre che ho lasciato sulle tombe, una tradizione ebraica.

Middle East / Israel

Lat: 32° 50' 42.53" N
Long: 35° 6' 18.59" E

Elevation: 13m

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
  • Canon 350D - Sigma 8mm
  • Adobe Photoshop CS2

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com