© 2008 Chas Adlard, All Rights Reserved.
I had the opportunity, I had the shot and most surprisingly I had my camera in the car. Permission for photography was granted by our waitress and I was on the way to the car park. I returned with the gear and set up. Luck was with me and the deck was clear. Minutes later my gear was back in the car and my confidence high.
Damn but I wish all my VRs could be this easy, but I’ll let you judge the result…. And oh, I know – reflections, reflections – sorry just too much glass and I decided against further computer adjustment.
sound by inchadney
Australia - New Zealand / Australia
Lat: 35° 48' 14" S
Long: 138° 29' 27" E
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.