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Best Of 2008

(January 1st - December 30th, 2008)

Fung Yu

Enchanting Sagada

Walker Young

Taroko Symphonic, 2008 太魯閣峽谷音樂節

Fushih Village, Sioulin Township, Hualien County, 花蓮縣 秀林鄉 富世村, Taiwan

October 25, 2008, 06:25 UTC (14:25 TPE)

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© 2008 Walker Young, All Rights Reserved.


The First Taroko Symphony

Taroko Symphonic to formally premiere during Taroko International Music Festival

The First Taroko Symphony Taroko Symphonic to formally premiere during Taroko International Music Festival Taroko's natural beauty and aborigine culture have inspired countless artists to produce moving works of art. Now, the first Taroko-themed symphony "The lost myth of Shakadang - Taroko Symphonic" has been composed and will premiere during Taroko International Music Festival on October 25th.

Hualien musician Lin Dao-sheng(林道生) had the idea for the symphony because he wanted to repay Taroko and read poems written by renowned Hualien doctor/poet Chen Ke-hua(陳克華) featuring myths of Taroko.

The symphony is divided into four movements-"Distant mountains", "Myth", "Moon light" and "Worshiping the gods" - and describes how travelers are astonished by the majesty of Taroko, the unique mountain forest culture of the Taroko tribe, the beauty of moonlight reflecting on the stream surface and the Taroko tribe's gratitude to nature.

Lin Dao-sheng's symphony combines Taroko aborigine music elements and style. It will be played by local Hualien Symphony Orchestra and will present people's feelings about Taroko in musical form for everyone to enjoy.

Translated by:Kevin Lax
Source:Taroko National Park Headquarters

Asia / Taiwan

Lat: 24° 9' 29" N
Long: 121° 37' 17" E

Elevation: 92.3

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

50 km
30 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon EOS 5D + 15mm/f2.8 Fisheye

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