A Room Inside Another
Caracas, Venezuela
August 25, 2010, 13:43 UTC (09:13 local time)
© 2010 Orlando Palencia, All Rights Reserved.
In one of the halls, a life-size photographic representation of his studio was displayed on the walls, along with objects and paintings. The effect was that of a virtual visit to his workspace.
This is my favorite panorama of the tour I made of the exhibit.
Lat: 10° 29' 40.75" N
Long: 67° 51' 48.63" W
Elevation: 880m
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.
- Pentax K10D, 10-17mm FE lens @10mm, Agnos TCP panohead
- HDR Expose, Photoshop CS4, PTGui Pro, Pano2VR