Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano, PhD
Misteri d'Elx: World Heritage Play
Elche (Alicante), Spain
August 15, 2011, 19:10 CET
© 2011 Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano, PhD, All Rights Reserved.
This is a living example of religious theatre from Medieval Europe and represents the death, assumption and crowning of the Virgin Mary. The play has been traditionally produced and acted by amateur local citizens that have kept this custom alive for centuries.
The musical drama is divided into two acts ("La Vespra" and "La Festa") and is publicly performed on every 14th and 15th of August inside the Basilica of Santa Maria in Elche (see also WWP1208, WWP608, WWP1204).
The basilica is transformed every year to house this tradition and it is worth mentioning the ancient stage and aerial machinery that are used to create the special effects that help enhancing the play.
You may have a look here for another pano taken the day before, during the "La Vespra" act, on the 14th.
http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?lg=en&pg=00011&RL=00018 http://www.unesco.org/bpi/intangible_heritage/spain.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misteri_d%27Elx