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Best of 2014

(January 1st — December 31st, 2014)

J Pat Marse

Laser Holiday Lights

Roberto Mancuso

Gae Aulenti Square

Milan, Italy

22 dec 2014 - 17,30 (local time)

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© 2014 Roberto Mancuso, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License


Look at Gae Aulenti square (famous architect and designer), in Milan: it is circular in shape, one hundred meters diameter, designed by Argentine architect Cesar Pelli. Raised about twenty feet above street level, facing it three towers: the higher one, 35-storey, is Unicredit's tower which is actually, with its 231 meters, the tallest building in Italy (146 meters at roof more than 85 meters spire).The building is made of stainless and glass, the spire of perforated stainless to prevent ice formation. The other two towers are respectively 100 and 70 meters


Questa e' la piazza Gae Aulenti (famosa architetto e designer), in Milano: e' di forma circolare, diametro di cento metri, progettata dall'architetto argentino Cesar Pelli. E' rialzata di circa sei metri sul piano strada, vi si affacciano, tre torri: la piu' alta, 35 piani, e' la torre dell'Unicredit che, con i suoi 231 metri di altezza e' attualmente la piu' alta costruzione d'Italia (146 metri al tetto piu' altri 85 di guglia). Il palazzo e' fatto in acciaio e vetro mentre la guglia in acciaio traforato per evitare la formazione di ghiaccio. Le altre due torri sono alte rispettivamente 100 e 70 metri.

Europe / Italy

Lat: 45° 29' 1" N
Long: 9° 11' 22" E

Elevation: 130 m s.l.m.

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Camera: Nikon D70s, Lens: Nikkor 10.5mm fisheye, Panohead: Agno's TCP, Tripod: Feisol carbon fiber, Software PTGui, Photoshop.

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