First World War, Kolovrat mount, Italians build here the tihird defense line, with a lot of trenches, with grass on the roof, enough difficult to see from too much far.In the valley there is Caporetto: it's the palce where austro-hungarian army overhelmed italian army: it was the famous "Disfatta di Caporetto". They say it was merit of a young german officer, who arrived with no too much men, but well equiped and clever in mountain war: his name Edwin Rommel (who will become the famous "Desert fox" 25 years later, during the second World War. These trenches were rebuild very well by Slovenian almost eleven years ago.
Lat: 46° 11' 31.615" N
Long: 13° 38' 2.695" E
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

camera: (glorious, with ccd) nikon D70s, lens: nikkor 10,5 fisheye, panohead: agnos tcp, tripod: fiber carbon feisol, softwares: ptgui and photoshop