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Best Of 2022

(January – December 2022)

Bernd Kronmueller

Trefor granite quarry

Erik Krause

Among Vultures

Rémuzat, Baronnies, France

September, 9th, 2022 17:10 local time

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© 2022 Erik Krause, All Rights Reserved.


We discovered the vulture lookout by chance. It is located on top of a steep cliff, in which the vultures also breed. So you can see them flying both above and below, and when they come around the corner, they have to fly against the wind, which slows them down considerably and makes them easy to shoot.

The vultures were common all around the Mediterranean until the 19th century, but almost extinct (not only) in France later. They were protected in 1979 and plans were made to reintroduce them. Near Rémuzat the first birds were released in 1996, and the colony did not stop growing ever since. There were even some spontaneous returns of previously extinct species.

It is a real joy to see (and shoot!) these majestic birds soaring in the winds. If I believed in rebirth, I would love to be a vulture in my next life.

Some information (in French).

The official page (in French).


Europe / France

Lat: 44° 24' 54.716" N
Long: 5° 20' 57.368" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Canon EOS 5DII, Samyang 12mm and telephoto zoom at 250-400mm, handheld pole 3 exposure brackets, SNS-HDR lite, PTGui Pro, Photoshop

How this panorama was made

The panorama was shot using a monopod as horizontal pole. I didn't dare to go nearer to the edge, unfortunately, but you can look all the way down the cliff.

The nearby vultures were shot separately, though, but from the same place and in the same direction as they appear in the panorama.

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