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(January 1st 2012 - December 31st, 2013)

Boštjan Burger

Accordion Player

Boštjan Burger

Kurenti — Etnofest

Ptuj, Slovenia

February 11, 2012, 13:00

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© 2012 Boštjan Burger, All Rights Reserved.

The first Intercontinental Etnofest in Ptuj—traditional masks presentations. Even with low temperature (-8°C) and heavy snowing the festival was very well attended. The feathered korants from the Ptuj plain and their horned fellows from Haloze and Lancova are the most popular and numerous shrovetide figures, who, according to folk tradition, chase away Winter and welcome back Spring.


Europe / Slovenia

Lat: 46° 25' 9.06" N
Long: 15° 52' 17.84" E

Elevation: ~ 205 m

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon 5D Mk2 + Tokina 10-17mm @12mm + 360 Precision Atome + monopod
Slovensko besedilo
Pernati koranti (kurenti) s Ptujskega polja in rogati koranti iz Haloz ter Lancove vasi po ljudskem izročilu preganjajo zimo in vabijo v deželo pomlad. Koranti nastopajo pri oračih ali v skupinah, ki jih običajno spremlja še hudič. Nekoč so se smeli v koranta napraviti samo neporočeni fantje, danes pa so koranti lahko tudi možje, otroci in ženske.

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