Shuttle Endeavour East of The Forum
The Forum, Inglewood, California, USA
Oct 13, 2012 UTC-8 (9am local time)
© 2013 John E Schwarzell, All Rights Reserved.
Featured here is a the closest shot I could get, from east of The Forum in Inglewood, CA on Manchester Blvd as the Space Shuttle accelerated to top speeds of .4 mph on its voyage home. As celebrations wrapped up I hustled over to this intersection where it would be clear to get this shot. See its Little Planet featured on DeviantArt: http://fav.me/d5izjrd.
Amidst a throng of thousands I witnessed the space shuttle land at LAX after flying over many parts of the city and LAX a couple times, and then the time came for it to go to its final home, on the streets of Los Angeles
Space Shuttle Endeavour is about 122' long and the SCA is 231' long with a wingspan of 195' and 63' tall. Endeavour had flown 299 full days in its career for a total well over 122,000,000 miles of space flight. Farewell Endeavour and the shuttle program! In memory of Space Shuttle Challenger.
Lat: 33° 57' 35.4" N
Long: 119° 21' 24.56" W
Elevation: 131 ft
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.