© 2004 George Row, All Rights Reserved.
The VR opens looking down Shipquay Street towards The Guildhall (where Derry City Council meets). The archway at the bottom of the hill is Shipquay Gate one of seven gates through the, still intact, medieval city walls.
As you turn anti-clockwise your view sweeps up the hill (the steepest shopping street in Ireland). Half way up you are looking into Castle Street, at the end of which can be seen Castle Gate another of the gates through the city walls.
At the top of the hill is the central area known as "The Diamond"*. As you complete the rotation you pass the entrance to The Richmond Centre. One of two shopping centres in the inner city. The entrance to the other shopping centre, called Foyleside, is just outside the city walls at Ferryquay Gate*. [The two links marked * lead to VRs that were also taken on the Spring Equinox 2004, others are also available.]
Mounted on a Kaidan Kiwi-L pano-head. Stitched with VRWorx 2.5