The Anti-American Protest at Boca Maldita
Curitiba, Parana, Brasil
Local Time 11:40 AM
© 2004 Rodolpho Pajuaba, All Rights Reserved.
"A speaker's corner created in 1957 and made well-known on December 13, 1966. One of its founders, Anfrísio Siqueira, is its president for life. Powerful and chauvinistic, it has become famous since it was credited with the deposition of the state governor Haroldo Leon Peres in the '70s. Its slogan is "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." During the military dictatorship it functioned as a speaker's corner. It is located on the Avenida Luiz Xavier sidewalk, in front of the cafés."
The text above was taken from http://www.curitiba.pr.gov.br/pmc/ingles/Cidade/Roteiros/LinhaPinhao/47.html. It shows the importance of this site, in Curitiba and Brasil, as a place where the average citizen can say and express some things that would (were) be forbidden elsewhere. Coincidentally, the equinox day was the first anniversary of the American occupation of Iraq, and that's the place where people should come to complain about it. Unfortunately, there were no more people than you can see on the pano. The American flag you can see at left was burned a little later, and this was the highlight of the manifestation.
Lat: 26° 26' 55.55" S
Long: 50° 17' 24.82" W
Elevation: 908m
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.