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(March 20-25, 2007)

Manfred Gruber

Earth - Atmosphere

Peter Groth

Melting the Fujiyama

Berlin, Germany

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© 2007 Peter Groth, All Rights Reserved.

Berlin’s city centre is marked by the SonyCenter with its surrounding illuminated buildings. The “Fujiyama” is the core of it.

The atmosphere seems surreal, created by thousands of lamps illuminating unused offices and spaces. No one is promenading at this place. The scenery appears frosty, unreal and lonesome. The light ends in itself – l’art pour l’art – serving no purpose.

We know this aesthetical effect from Stanley Kubricks film “2001 – A Space Odyssey”. The “Fujiyama” appears to be the monolith in the film, a composition made of light and steel, the imagination of being lost in time and space. And indeed, the mood of my current panorama is emphasized by György Ligetis music “Atmosphères” excellently. Composed in 1961, Kubrick used this music in his film.

Anyway, only a spheric panorama can reflect the atmosphere of this place. In the end the question remains whether the Berlin SonyCenter with its elegant and extravagant illumination contributes to melt the snow on the Fujiyama in Japan.
more about Ligeti and "Atmossphere" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gy%C3%B6rgy_Ligeti

more athmospheric panoramas in Botanic Garden Berlin - greenhouses http://www.in-output.de/fotografie/fotografie-panorama.htm
nikon d200, nikon 10,5 fisheye, manfrotto panoramahead

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