Surrexit Dominus Vere
Kreuzkirche, Freiburg, Black Forest, Germany
March, 23rd, 12:31 CET
© 2008 Carsten T. Rees, All Rights Reserved.
On Easter Sunday Christians all over the world celebrate the resurrection of Christ as the victory over death and the beginning of a new life and a new world. In the ancient words of the Roman-Catholic Easter Vigil:
"Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end. Alpha and Omega, all time belongs to him and all the ages. To him be glory and power through every age for ever."
The panorama is taken after the service on Easter Sunday in our parish church. Under the altar we have constructed a little "grave". On Good Friday this "grave" is closed by a rock. On Easter Sunday you can see it open and brightly lit.
Lat: 47° 59' 51" N
Long: 7° 49' 49" E
Elevation: 259m
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.