Absolute Beginners
't Loo, The Netherlands
March 21, 2008 - 08:52 UTC (09:52 local time)
© 2008 Iñaki Rezola, All Rights Reserved.
Childhood ends as the whole wide future is awaiting straight ahead
To be opened and won
Even if weather is rainy and cold, with a baggage full of illusion
And a little help from friends
It will be won
Adios a la niñez: el futuro entero espera que lo abran y conquisten
Aunque haga frío y llueva, con el bagaje de la ilusión
Y un poco de ayuda de los amigos
Será conquistado
Haurtzaroaren akabantza: etorkizun oso-osoa irabazia izateko zai dagoela
Euritsu eta hotz badago ere, ilusioz beteriko maletekin
Eta lagunen laguntza pixka batekin
Irabazia izango da
I thought our students -they are in their last highschool year- were a wonderful subject to convey the idea of 'Beginning' a new cycle in life, as another one ended up forever.
The weather was really awful: cold, rainy and windy. I shot handheld one of the last little groups as they headed for the bus from the bungalows where we had been lodged for four days.