Ma-Siew Campaign Headquarter, 馬蕭競選總部
Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan
March 23, 2008 - 06:43 UTC (14:43 TPE)
© 2008 Walker Young, All Rights Reserved.
The election for the 12th-term President and Vice-President of the Republic of China was held in the Republic of China (Taiwan) on Saturday, March 22, 2008.
Kuomintang (KMT) nominee Ma Ying-jeou won, with 58% of the vote, ending 8 years of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) rule, and that's a new politiacl beginning for Taiwan.
Lat: 25° 2' 15.03" N
Long: 121° 30' 26.29" E
Elevation: 24.525
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.