Diverse Colours and Boats
Pigeon Island, Saint Lucia
March 21, 2009, 12:16 local time (16:16 BST)
© 2009 Norma Boylan, All Rights Reserved.
Pigeon Island, a 40-acre islet connected by a causeway to St. Lucia's west coast offered diversity in the simplicity of the facilities where we were to BBQ, whilst on the other side of the fence was a luxurious Hotel Complex, however we shared the wonderful sea and coastline.
Add in the unbelievable colours of the sky and sea, together with the very mixed array of fishing boats through to the luxury cruise liner.
Taken with a Canon EOS 400D digital camera, with a Zenitar-M 16mm fisheye f/2.8 lens no tripod or panohead. Stitched using Hugin and rendered with CubicConverter.