Mongo like Candy!!!
Cerreta Candy Company, Glendale, Arizona, USA
March 18, 2010, 1730 UTC (10:28 AM Local)
© 2010 David Schaubert, All Rights Reserved.
The factory has a daily tour and demonstration where kids get to try their hand at making various chocolate concoctions. The family was very kind in allowing me 'behind the wall' to take some VRs during the tour.
Cerreta's is always our first stop whenever we go to Phoenix where we load up with their various treats at their factory store.
Definitely my kind of job.....
Additional info: the Rabbit is 150 lbs of caramel corn. The chocolate football is 350 lbs of chocolate and peanuts, the green 'Cowboy Gumby' is 200 lbs of creme de menthe chocolate, and the pallet under the white chocolate baseball is 2,500 lbs of custom 10 lb milk chocolate bricks produced by the Guittard Chocolate Co. in San Francisco, California. The machine behind it produces 1,000 chocolate candies per minute.
Lat: 33° 32' 17.34" N
Long: 113° 11' 27.54" W
Elevation: 306
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.