Free range chickens
The short of it --Happier healthier birds, better tasting breakfasts, and not forgetting to mention more nutritious cleaner FOOD.
The not as short of it --
Sustainable life, for ourselves, our children, and their children, and on, should be our priority. That concept applied to our food, the earth and climate are one. This hen house is a thread in the tapestry that supports our life. By realizing and respecting those relationships which sustain us, will help move us beyond our Climate Crisis. Look at food production here at this local farm in Lincoln Vt. where eggs are harvested daily for local consumption. Chickens here are protected, fed, and free to roam, (some restrictions apply of course). Very unlike large factory farms where birds numbering in the hundreds of thousands are caged, fed food laced with antibiotics, and never really see the light of day. Results include maltreatment for the birds, mediocre eggs, concentrated pollution from waste, increased carbon footprints from transportation issues, and the problem list goes on.
Hats off to those returning to a more sensible approach to food production.
Lat: 44° 6' 39.3" N
Long: 74° 1' 15.77" W
Elevation: 296 M
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.
Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop CS, PTMac 3.0, CubicConverter