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(March 18-27, 2011)

Kenneth A. Butt

The Most Easterly Point in North America

Boštjan Burger

Someone had the Courage...

Slivje, Slovenija

March 23, 2011, 5:00 pm UTC+1

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© 2011 Boštjan Burger, All Rights Reserved.

Someone had the courage ... and that one was the Slovene painter Tone Kralj (1900-1975) who, in the years from 1941 to 1944, painted the church of St. Martin, in Slivje. In that risky time of WW II he went over the limits of the terror and painted the church with symbols against fascism and Nazism. The symbols are well hidden but on the other side obvious when looking at the frescoes and the sculptures. This was originally a gigapixel panorama so details are not well displayed with this low-resolution version, please explore the church's gigapixel panorama to see all of the details in Tone Kralj's work.

Europe / Slovenia

Lat: 45° 34' 17.07" N
Long: 14° 2' 42.5" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon 5D MKII, Canon 50 mm F1.4 (at F20), HDR (-2,0,+2), 1.28 Gigapixel original panorama, 360Precision Adjuste pano head, Manfroto 28B tripod.

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