10 Years of Changes
Merzhausen, Southwest corner of Germany
23 March 2014, 15:26 local time
© 2014 Erik Krause, All Rights Reserved.
Some time later the "Panotools Wars" started: http://wiki.panotools.org/PanoTools:History, PanotoolsNG was formed and I tried to participate in any WWP event. I switched to shooting digital relatively late.
Our guitar shop and my workshop moved, my wife's doctor's office moved and we moved, too.
We where searching for an own house and found this one 3 years ago, together with a nice family. And I learned slacklining (at the age of 50)...
Lat: 47° 57' 53.38" N
Long: 7° 49' 29.26" E
Elevation: 287
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

The sky was pretty bright and I didn't want it to blow out so I used Magic Lantern auto-ettr in order to get the highest dynamic range possible in a single shot. Neither the trampoline nor the slackline allowed for shooting bracketed due to fast movement. Another challange was the slackline crossing two images, so any movement would be visible in the overlap. My son took several images from both positions and luckily two of them aligned almost perfectly.