Flower or Weeds Part 2
Fort Worth, Texas USA
March 17 2020 4:26 pm Central Texas Time (GMT -6)
© 2020 Pat Albright, All Rights Reserved.
The terms "mushroom" and "toadstool" go back centuries and were never precisely defined, nor was there consensus on application. During the 15th and 16th centuries, the terms mushrom, mushrum, muscheron, mousheroms, mussheron, or musserouns were used.
The term "mushroom" and its variations may have been derived from the French word mousseron in reference to moss (mousse). Delineation between edible and poisonous fungi is not clear-cut, so a "mushroom" may be edible, poisonous, or unpalatable.
Cultural or social phobias of mushrooms and fungi may be related. The term "fungophobia" was coined by William Delisle Hay of England, who noted a national superstition or fear of "toadstools".
The word "toadstool" has apparent analogies in Dutch padde(n)stoel (toad-stool/chair, mushroom) and German Krötenschwamm (toad-fungus, alt. word for panther cap). In German folklore and old fairy tales, toads are often depicted sitting on toadstool mushrooms and catching, with their tongues, the flies that are said to be drawn to the Fliegenpilz, a German name for the toadstool, meaning "flies' mushroom". This is how the mushroom got another of its names, Krötenstuhl (a less-used German name for the mushroom), literally translating to "toad-stool".
From our view point these are neither Flowers or Weeds. They popup around our planting beds... then they die away and (read "change") become beneficial organic fertilizer. They look interesting... for a couple of days. Will probably will see them again next Spring.
With help from Wikipedia:
Lat: 32° 39' 37.636" N
Long: 98° 23' 17.28" W
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Insta360 One x (Firmware 1.8.36)
Mini Tripod 6" (15cm)
Samsung Galaxy s9 (Android ver 9) (Phone App 1.7.4)
Insta360 Studio 3.4.2
Photoshop CS 6 (not CC)