On top of the northern tower of St. Stephen's Cathedral
Historic Centre of Vienna, Austria
June 21, 2003 09:51 am CEST
© 2004 Helmut Schierer, All Rights Reserved.
The pano was made at the platform on top of the northern tower, about 60 meters above St. Stephen's place. Initially the northern tower should have the same height than the southern one (137m) but was never finished. Instead it got a baroque dome, in which the "Pummerin", the biggest bell in Austria, is located.
Get up with the lift and enjoy the view. But be aware, although there's absolutely no risk, leaving the lift might be a little frightening for people with fear of heights ...
Have a look at the gigantic roof covered with 230.000 tiles and see that 20-ton bell, made from captured Turkish cannons, which is only rang on New Year's Eve and on special catholic holidays.
While shooting my pano, I met a school class from a little village near vienna, having a sight seeing tour around the city at the end of their school year - a very interested audience as you can see.