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(June 16–21, 2005)

Juhani Laiho

No Water

Gerard Kuster

Saltwater - Freshwater

In the center of The Netherlands

June 19, 2005 at 14.30 local time

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© 2005 Gerard Kuster, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License

Saltwater – freshwater

Because of improved watermanagemant we see the Salt water of the Waddenzee (Wadden sea) and the fresh-water of the Ysselmeer (lake Ysselmeer). Once the Zuyder Zee (Zuyder sea) had been dammed off by a 32km long dam (the 'Afsluitdijk'), the salt water was gradually replaced by 'fresh' water flowing from the river Yssel and other rivers and canals. From this Freshwater lake the surrounding areas can be supplied with water in times of drought. It improves the drainage of the polders surrounding what used to be the Zuyder Zee. It has facilitated the constrution of the polders within the Zuyder Zee since this new Ysselmeer (lake Ysselmeer). Because of 15 discharge sluices near Den Oever and another 10 discharge sluices near Kornwerderzand this lake has a fixed water level.
More information about the wet heart of the Netherlands: http://www.rdij.nl/rdij/index_uk.htm


Europe / Netherlands

Lat: 52° 59' 29" N
Long: 5° 9' 3" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

5 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon EOS 10D, Sigma 8mm, Manfrotto Tripod with selfmade Panoramahead, Photoshop CS + PTMac.

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