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(June 15-21, 2007)

Ian Kerr

A New Shirt for the Community

Henk Keijzer

The Leede Concert

Gemeentehaven, Warmond, The Netherlands

21st of June, 21:25 local time, 1 hr and 10 mins after Solstice

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© 2007 Henk Keijzer, All Rights Reserved.

Warmond is a small, but vibrant community. The village has less then 5000 inhabitants, yet it is located in one of the busiest areas of Europe: the Randstad, in the middle between Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. During the summer period, but especially in June, almost every week there is some kind of an event, organized by locals for locals: the second weekend in June the Stichting Zeilvaart Warmond organizes the Westlander Zeildagen, on or around Solstice the Vrienden in Warmond organize the Leede Concert and at the end of the month there is the annual Kaagweek. In between, the Vereniging het Oude Raadhuis have art exibitions in their wonderfull old town hall building and celebrate this year their 25th aniversary with a huge painting and an open air dinner in "Park Groot Leerust".

The Leede Concert featured this year Roby Lakatos and his Orchestra. The band comes from Hungary and plays the best gipsy music in the world. The boats in the Warmond "harbour" are filled with people from Warmond and nearby villages on invitation of the sponsors of the event. The proceedings are destined for local, kids related, activities.

How many different communities did you count so far? And I did not even mention the Warmunda football club, the Warmond Ice Skating club, the Muziekvereniging La Musiquette, Hengelsportvereniging De Leede, Tennisvereniging Overbos, Handbalvereniging Warmunda, Golfclub Kagerzoom, Roeivereniging de Kaagtijgers, Stichting Jumelage Warmond Champigne, Jeugdcircus Atleta, Klaverjasclub van Warmunda, MotorClub De Roze Olifant, Scouting Anaconda Warmond, Stichting Kamermuziek Warmond, Historisch genootschap Warmelda, Carnavalsvereniging De Billenprikkers, Schippertjesdagen, Het Warmonds Joppekoor, Het Schippertjeskoor, Stichting Harddraverij Warmond, Slagwerkgroep Drumfire, Brassband Warmond and last, but not least, Muziek- en toneelvereniging St. Matthias.

Europe / Netherlands

Lat: 52° 11' 39.84" N
Long: 4° 30' 11.73" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Olympus E-300
Peleng 3,5/8mm

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