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(June 15-21, 2007)

Bryant Arnett

Sundays in Summer: Music in the Park

Patricio Armijo

Cyberlibrary Municipal - Biblioredes

Provincia de Cachapoal, VI Región, Chile

June 21, 2007, 20:50 local time (GMT 24:50)

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© 2007 Patricio Armijo, All Rights Reserved.


Spanish Caption

Esta es una biblioteca de una pequeña comunidad rural de la Sexta Región de Chile. En donde, como en muchas otras, se integra a la biblioteca un acceso a Internet gratuito.

Esta es una iniciativa de cobertura nacional denominada Biblioredes, que contó en sus origenes con un aporte de US$ 9.2 Millones de la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates. Esto permite a los habitantes de esta comuna, como otras más aisladas de Chile contar con acceso a internet gratuito, esto es muy importante para zonas de Chile donde la conectividad es inexistente.

Internet ha sido y es, una poderosa herramienta de formación de comunidades por sobre las barreras geográficas y sociales. Por tal razón, me pareció indicado hacer una fotografía donde muestre un ejemplo de este valioso proyecto "Biblioredes".

English Caption

This is a library of a rural small community of the Sixth Region of Chile. The library like many others, offer an free access to the Internet.

This is an National Initiative denominated "Biblioredes", it began with a money contribution of US$ 9,2 million of the Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates. This allows to the inhabitants of this commune, as other more isolated of Chile to have free access to the internet, this is very important for areas where the connectivity is nonexistent.

Internet is a powerful tool of forming communities for on the geographical and social barriers. For such a reason, I found suitable to make a panorama where it shows an example about the valuable project "Biblioredes".
Fotografía Panorámica de Chile, Chile en 360º : www.VRpanoramas.cl

Latin America / Chile

Lat: 35° 17' 7.3" S
Long: 71° 58' 3.46" W

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.

50 km
30 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
- Canon 350D + Sigma 8mm, Tripod + Radio Remote Release

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com