The Spiral Jetty
Rozel Point, Box Elder County, Utah, USA
June 19, 2008 - 19:43 UTC (13:43 local time)
© 2008 Charles C. Benton, All Rights Reserved.
It was worth the trip. Years of drought in the west have dropped the water level of the Great Salt Lake and the jetty is well exposed (unlike much of the last thirty years). This is my tie in to the elevation theme - a mere four foot change in water level has revealed an artwork previously obscured.
While temperatures hovered at 100F I waited for the winds to increase beyond a steady 5 mph at midday. They never did. So, I fiddled with the kite's bridle and relaxed the bowstrings until finally, barely the fisheye camera rig would fly for brief periods. Four hours of this yielded about forty images. I very much wish I could have stayed until better light at the edge of the day but alas we had to move on. On the other hand, the harsh light does seem to fit the place.
Had no images been taken I would still have been happy. Smithson's creation, and this place, offer great intrigue.