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(June 18-22, 2008)

Robert Bilsland

1,395 ft and 3 hours, 33 minutes 'til the Solstice

Edward Bigelow

Napili High

Napili Bay, Maui, Hawai`i, USA

21 06 2008, 1806 local; 22 06 2008, 0406 UTC

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© 2008 Edward Bigelow, All Rights Reserved.

Just above sea level, sitting on the shores of Napili Bay, the surf whispers on the sand and a light warm breeze carries the tropical scent of plumeria. You watch the spinner dolphins, and from November through May the whales cavorting offshore. Nearby reefs offer spectacular snorkel and scuba diving among the honu (turtles).

During the day, clouds settle over the mountains on the nearby islands of Lanai and Molokai. On June 21 the sun sets over Molokai and on December 21 it sets over the slopes of Lanai. At night the stars sparkle, and on the horizon you can often see the glow of Honolulu city lights.

Away from the beach the island architecture of the Mauian Hotel offers “peace from the past” with no telephones, TV or A/C in the rooms. This evening a Hawaiian ki ho`alu (slack-key) guitar workshop will have a kanikapila (jam-session) led by Grammy award winner George Kahumoku Jr. who often tunes to “F Taro-Patch.” It's an upper.

Pacific Ocean / USA-Hawaii

Lat: 20° 59' 44.61" N
Long: 157° 40' 57.69" W

Elevation: ~6m

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Hardware: Nikon D40x, Peleng 8mm, custom oblique adapter, elevated monopod (camera at ~3m). ISO 200, 1/400th, f/8.

Software: DNG Converter, Photoshop CS2, PTGui, Pano2QTVR, Cooledit.

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