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(June 18-22, 2008)

Fulvio Senore

Guglia di Mezzodì

Martin Schweda


View over the Ruhr valley, Witten, Germany

June 20 - 2008, 15:30 GMT (16:30 local time)

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© 2008 Martin Schweda, All Rights Reserved.

130 meters above the Ruhr at the Hohenstein in Witten you can find the Berger memorial with its beautiful view over the ruhr valley. In my childhood this was a favourite place to visit during Sundays family walks. At that time it looked even more impressive. I was too small to peep over the boundary wall without my fathers help... .

Now - about 40 years later this is my first attempt in shooting a pole panorama. there arestill manythings to improve and to learn, but the deadline time pressre is extremely motivating.

Louis Berger (1829-1891) owned one of Wittens foundrys, was a member of the German Reichstag and one of the founding members of the Witten gymnastic club – one of the first sports clubs in Germany. In 1902/03 members of the gymnastic club supported the building of the Berger tower as a sign of their appreciation.

Europe / Germany

Lat: 51° 25' 32.32" N
Long: 7° 21' 5.86" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Pentax K10D, Sigma 8f4 MF, homemade ring type NPA, Spieth FTT fiberglass pole

AutopanoPro 1.4.2, Gimp 2.2, Pano2QTVR

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