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(June 18-22, 2008)


Eldorado Business Tower

Patricio Armijo

Laguna del Inca

Centro de Ski Portillo, Cordillera de los Andes, Chile

June 21, 2008 - 08:43 local time

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© 2008 Patricio Armijo, All Rights Reserved.


English Caption

The Inca Lagoon is situated beside the Hotel Portillo, cradle between the mountains of the Andean Range at an elevation of 2850 metres above sea level it also has a legend,

“It is said that the spirit of the Inca Illi Yunqui haunts the watery grave in which his beloved Princess Kora-lle is buried. During a royal mountain banquet, called “a nascu”, the Princess tragically fell down a precipice.

Illi Yunqui believed that no grave could compare with the beauty of the lake; Shrouded in white linen, the delicate corpse of the princess Kora-lle was lowered into the blue depths. From the moment, her body touched the still mirror like waters; it acquired the tinted emerald shade of the beautiful eyes that the heir of the sun could awaken no more.”

In the morning stillness, at -4ºc the silent is oppressive creating an atmospheric sense of peace and tranquillity which does elevate the soul to a higher plane.

NDLT : I am thankful to Rodrigo Alarcón-Cielock to share this beautiful legend.

Texto en Español

La Laguna del Inca es un espejo de agua de color turquesa, situada a 2850 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar, en plena Cordillera de los Andes. Se llega a ella por la Ruta Internacional de Chile con Argentina. La hermosa Laguna del Inca se ubica a un costado del Hotel Portillo.

El tema Elevación sugiere los ascensores, en particular los interminables andariveles de un centro de ski. Así el Tema es la excusa ideal para incluir esta escena. El lugar además, tiene un encanto particular: Un clima privilegiado, una atmósfera inmaculada, una quietud, y sobre todo la majestuosidad de la Cordillera de los Andes proveen un marco notable. Conjuga también la Elevación desde una perspectiva emocional.

Una mañana con -4º Celcius de Temperatura, sin una pizca de viento y un silencio envidiable son un buen Panorama para la Fotografía.
Others Portillo's Panoramas:
Portillo Hotel
Laguna del Inca from Portillo Hotel

Alternative Version:
La Cripta de SOR TERESA de los ANDES
Explanada del Santuario de Sor Teresa de los Andes
Interior del Templo de Auco

VRpanoramas.cl : Tourist Destinies and Heritage Sites from Chile in 360º.

Latin America / Chile

Lat: 33° 51' 9.96" S
Long: 71° 8' 52.68" W

Elevation: 2850mts

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.

50 km
30 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
- Canon 350D + Tokina 107 + Manfrotto Tripod + NN3mkII

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