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Forgotten Places

(June 19–27, 2010)

Luis Benitez

Casona Abandonada/Abandoned House

Zoltán Bánfalvy

MN3121 SAM Squadron: Command Post - MN3121: HÁP

Fót, Hungary

June 20, 2010, 16:31 UTC (18:31 local time)

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© 2010 Zoltán Bánfalvy, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License

This is an abadoned S-75 Volkhov SAM site close to the Hungarian capital, Budapest. The squadron was named MN3121 11/8 with the call sign "wheat".

This is the ruins of the command post. The fire-control radar (UNV) was placed on the top of this shelter.

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Ez az 1981-1996 között működött MN3121 "Búza" hívójelű 11/8. légvédelmi rakéta osztály tüzelőállása a Fót melletti dombok egyikén. A képen a harcálláspont (HÁP) maradványa látható. Fegyverzet: S-75 Volhov
My photos about abadoned military bases

Europe / Hungary

Lat: 47° 38' 25.63" N
Long: 19° 11' 36.11" E

Elevation: 228.678

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
HW: Canon EOS 350D, Peleng 8mm f/3.5, home-made panoramic head, Garmin eTrex Vista HCx;

SW: PTGui & Smartblend, Pano2QVTR

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