13:32 - Midday on Summer Solstice on the South Coast of Ireland
Nohavel Cove, County Cork, Ireland, UK
Monday, June 21, 2010, 13:32
© 2010 Brian O'Reilly, All Rights Reserved.
At the end of a very long and narrow road - you really have to know it is there.
Extremely limited parking further adds to the appeal.
A wonderful photographer in Kinsale, Giles Norman, captured a wonderful image of Nohavel Cove.
Try though I may - I can never come close to capturing it as he did - nor would I want to anymore.
Why shoot at 13h32?
Well - we are on Summer Time - so add one hour. In addition we are 8 degrees west - so add 8 times 4 minutes and you get to 32. So - at 13h32 we are at our 'local' midday.
Lat: 51° 42' 52" N
Long: 9° 24' 6" W
Elevation: 0
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.